This past week I found myself really becoming more aware of my position of my body in space. My spinal posture is something I was particularly more aware of. Standing in line at the dining hall, sitting in class, or just chilling at the dorm, my posture is absolutely terrible! I slump forward much more than I should. Whenever I was made aware of it I stood in mountain pose, but eventually I would slump back into my regular posture. I will need to work on this continuously throughout the semester.
I can't remember the name of the pose, but last night I practiced the forward bend in which our heads had to touch the floor. My hamstrings were a little sore, but the stretch felt good. I also practiced the poses we learned on the first day. I think that electing to do the poses at night was helpful in relaxing me enough to get a more restful night's sleep.
good insight about some poses being helpful for sleep